QWYK iSoft

We help you "Get Profitable faster"

At QWYK, We know the business of software. And We know startups. Our belief is that "Time to market" is the single MOST critical factor for all businesses that wish to succeed.

We've built a few businesses of our own. We've advised a bunch of businesses. We've also worked with a whole bunch of them to find their way. What we know is that every business needs to focus on their core value proposition and to get it to fit. Leave the rest (outsource the non-core functions) to someone else who knows it and who you can depend on.

What we are NOT
We're not a staff augmentation service. We're NOT your outsourced development organization.

What we ARE
We are your stategic partner, focused on helping you get to and past 'product-market' fit before your startup runs out of gas. We are invested in your success.

Want to learn more? Write to us